Elite’s betrayal further promotes separatism

How much more of the Australian nation’s land will Australia’s treasonous elites give away to culturally reinvented separatists?

Has there ever been a greater act of betrayal?


Kabi Kabi people recognised as Native Title holders over the Sunshine Coast

ABC Sunshine Coast / By Kirra Grimes 17 June 2024

  • In short: A Federal Court judge has recognised the Kabi Kabi people as native title holders over Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.
  • The order applies to 365,345 hectares of land and waters spanning Gympie, Noosa, Maroochydore, Caloundra, Bribie Island and Mudjimba Island.
  • What’s next? Other parts of the native title claim are yet to be determined.

The Federal Court has formally recognised the Kabi Kabi people as native title holders over 365,345 hectares of land and water on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

A determination by Justice Berna Collier at a special hearing in Brisbane on Monday recognised the Kabi Kabi people’s non-exclusive rights to an area including Gympie, Noosa, Maroochydore, Caloundra, Bribie Island and Mudjimba Island.

Justice Collier told the court she was satisfied the Kabi Kabi people “have and always have had native title rights and interests in this country”.

The determination marks the first occasion on Australia’s east coast when native title has been recognised in a heavily urbanised area.

It is also the first time that the right to “take resources from the area for any purpose” is being recognised in South-East Queensland.

Previously, the right was limited to personal, communal and non-commercial purposes.

Aerial view over surf and bushland
The native title claim covers about 10,280 square kilometres and includes Noosa.(Supplied: Paul Smith, Noosa World Surfing Reserve)

The decision comes after seven Kabi Kabi applicants reached an agreement with stakeholders including the state and federal governments and seven local councils.

The court’s decision only applies to Part A of the Kabi Kabi people’s claim, which extends in the south from Elimbah Creek catchment area, Sandstone Point and Bribie Island, north to Cooloola National Park, Curra State Forest, Mary River and the Isis River, and in the east from lowest astronomical tide of the coastline west to Nambour, Jimna and the Burnett and Coast ranges.

Parts B and C of the claim are yet to be determined.

Read the rest here . . .