Tag Archives: Wokism

Bringing in Palestinians to join the protests

Zali Steggell wags her woke finger at Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, calling him a racist.

We can only conclude that Steggell – a totally useless member of Parliament – wants to bring in Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to join the Palestinian fanatics that have been occupying the streets of Australia’s major cities.

Steggell and her fellow woke Teals must be voted out at the next election. Because of the issues involved, the next federal election will be perhaps the most critical since federation. It will decide whether Australians have full control of the nation that was established on 26 January 1788.

Trump attempted Assassination – what did you expect?

Donald Trump has been followed by shrieking deranged hatred ever since he announced he would enter the contest to become the US President. There has not been a greater example of incitement to kill a politician than the unending incitement to eliminate Trump. Examples are in the Paul Joseph Watson’s video below.

The video shows another frightening example of DEI policy – the irrational application of quotas. Regardless of ability and suitability, feminists insist on putting women into positions of safety and security. We’re just waiting for a major catastrophe resulting from the forced employment of incompetent women.

Patterns of decline – the clock is ticking

This is one of the most penetrating analyses I have heard of the problems eating away at Western Civilisation. Highly recommended. Be afraid, very afraid.


‘Professor Hanson joins John Anderson to discuss his new book The End of Everything, as well as the considerable unrest across America in the lead up to the 2024 Presidential election. They unpack the recent turmoil in higher education, and its aggravation due to the unchecked left-wing ideology of those in leadership. They also discuss the unassailable appeal of Trump among Republican voters due to his outsider status and combative persona. They finish on a discussion of his new book The End of Everything, examining various historical parallels with our time, and the importance of recognizing patterns of decline to prevent another civilisational catastrophe.

‘In addition to writing hundreds of articles, book reviews and newspaper editorials, Hanson is also the author of twenty-four books and hosts a regular podcast series, ‘The Victor Davis Hanson Show’. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush, and was a presidential appointee in 2007-08 on the American Battle Monuments Commission. His book, The Dying Citizen, was published in October 2021. And his latest book, released on May the 7th this year, The End of Everything, How Wars Descend Into Annihilation.

Woolworths – Treachery Betrayal

In early January 2024, the news broke that the Woolworths Group had got rid of their Australia Day merchandise (flags, caps, towels, and so on). They would no longer sell anything to do with Australia Day. The decision was clearly ideological. Woolworths management had joined the woke elites who supported the Aboriginal activists. This was in the face of the crushing defeat the activists suffered in the referendum to authorize what in reality was a separate Aboriginal state. Outrage thundered across Australia. Woolworths remained unrepentant. In this video, I show on the basis of the information on Woolworths’ corporate website, that the Woolworths’ Group is fully committed to the wokish agenda. The outrage of the ordinary Australian was justified.


Woolworth’s decision to remove Australia Day merchandise from its shelves hit like a bombshell across Australia.

What could they have been thinking, people were asking? Loud contempt and savage criticism have been poured on the corporate sector for cowardly turning their backs on ordinary people and falling in behind the wokist and Marxist elites who are never finished reading us their lessons and never finished scheming and manipulating the political process.

One would think that prudence would have dictated more subtle political action. But, no, in a sickening act of betrayal, they resorted to a business nulla nulla to bash us into submitting to their wokist political agenda. Indeed, Woolworths’ competitor, Coles, seems to have decided to keep Australia Day stock and escaped the lashing. Woolworths’ cussedness is an indication of their ideological rigidity. The people must obey, and if they resist, they must be made to obey.

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci fronted the media on behalf of what’s called the Woolworths Group Executive Committee to defend the corporation’s action.

He squirmed and wriggled as he struggled to parry the criticism with the excuse that it was an economic decision. Australia Day merchandise did not sell. No sense in having stock that doesn’t sell. That’s pitiable nonsense, of course. It’s a fact that Australians buy Australia Day merchandise throughout the year, and not only around Australia Day. On simple business principles, a business would stock merchandise for which there was a demand. Brad’s explanation did not wash. And people could smell the wokist politics a mile off.

Continue reading Woolworths – Treachery Betrayal

Recommended books

Socially and politically oriented Youtube channels often interview authors of books that have captured the reading public’s attention.

The books below attracted my attention because they give powerful arguments and evidence against the Woke class’s condemnation of Western Civilization.

The final two by Timothy Gordon and his wife, Stephanie, are so ‘out there’ on the fringes for most conservatives that they will not consider them. The books, however, restate age-old beliefs about men’s natural leadership and women’s role as organizer of the domestic sphere.

I intend to add to the list whenever I come across book of similar interest.

Against Decolonization: Campus Culture Wars and the Decline of the West, Doug Stokes

Trans: Gender Identity and the New Battle for Women’s Rights, Helen Joyce

Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Nigel Biggar

The Case for Colonialism, Bruce Gilley

Feminism Against Progress, Mary Harrington

The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us, Carrie Gress

Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women’s Liberation, Rachel Wilson


The Case for Patriarchy – Timothy Gordon

Ask Your Husband: A Wife’s Guide to True Femininity, Mrs. Timothy. J. Gordon