Tag Archives: The Greens Party

More proof of the failure of multiculturalism

Taylor Auerbach and Sharri Markson of Sky News have presented a stunning report on a ‘radical pro-Palestinian group’ whose leader identifies as a ‘terrorist’.

Just as disturbing, though not surprising, is the collusion of members of the Greens Party. It is not surprising because the Greens are Australia’s Marxist party with the unfailing object of destroying our Nation and replacing it with some evil of their design.

But no matter how much proof there is of multiculturalism’s failure around the world, its supporters, like the anti-white government funded SBS, will barrel on spruiking the benefits of ‘diversity’. Of course, ‘diversity’ is the weapon to destroy the white British-European foundations of the nation of Australia.

The immigration of incompatible peoples is essential to their project.

We have demonstrations every day of people from incompatible cultures openly expressing their hatred of foundational Australians. It is more than ironic that some of these people from countries teetering on barbarism are using Australia’s law courts to attack and harm Australians.

Multiculturalism must be the central issue in the 2025 general election. Conservatives – real conservatives – must be now in full election mode to defeat the Labor-Greens-TEAL coalition. These are the parties of treachery and betrayal. Tactics, clever tactics, are crucial.


Radical pro-Palestinian group evades police crackdown after chilling footage emerges of ‘terrorist’ activists in Melbourne

A radical group of pro-Palestinian extremists in Melbourne has avoided any police crackdown despite chilling footage emerging of their leader declaring the activists as “terrorists”.

Taylor Auerbach and Sharri Markson

A radical group of pro-Palestinian protesters and left-wing extremists continues to avoid the glare of authorities despite Sky News Australia alerting police to a series of videos in which leaders declare they are “terrorists” and call on supporters to sabotage Australian shipping exports to Israel.

Headquartered on the forecourt of Victoria’s parliament building since the deadly Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7 last year, the group calls itself ‘The Sit-Intifada’ – a pun based on the Arabic word ‘Intifada’, meaning an uprising of Muslims against Israel.

Osama Bin Laden used the last “blessed Intifada” as justification for the attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania.

Victorian Greens MPs – including deputy leader Ellen Sandell – have been filmed addressing the group in recent weeks and voicing their support.

The group comprises a coalition of Islamic, anti-capitalist and socialist “revolutionary” groups as well as unions, teachers’ organisations and individual activists.

One of the group’s most vocal members is president of the ‘Black Peoples Union’ Kieran Stewart-Assheton.

Read the rest here . . .