Tag Archives: Muslim terrorism

Uncorrectable barbarism in the Muslim world

The young woman in the photo below – the one bleeding from multiple rapes and dragged around by her hair by her less-than-human captors – was the one image of 7 October I can’t forget. On this animalistic photo alone – with all its implications of what the Muslim world is like – the Israelis are justified in bombing the shit out of them.

Multiple terrorist actions by Muslims through fifty years have shown they would do the same to any non-Muslim if they had a chance.

To ignore this unalterable fact, the properly constituted authorities of the nation of Australia would be guilty of the most heinous betrayal.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

Muslim fanatics scorn Australia’s laws

AAP reports below that Muslim fanatics under the banner of the barbaric terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah will conduct their obscene protests no matter what.

Of course, they will.

These Muslims have contempt for Australia’s laws. Indeed, they have contempt for anything which does not suit their hellish ideology.

Will Australia’s legitimate authorities do anything about their hateful behavior? Probably not. Not only have they not done anything about it, but they have made it worse by opening Australia’s borders to these lawless people.

Will nobody do anything? Must we sit by steaming with fury while watching people who hate Australia and Australians occupy our city streets?


Palestine rally organisers vow to ignore court ruling

AAP Story by Jack Gramenz and Callum Godde

 A pending court case will not stop pro-Palestine rallies and vigils around the anniversary of the Hamas terror attack on Israel, as one premier says her state is powerless to halt them.

Evidence will be filed on Thursday before a hearing in the NSW Supreme Court to decide on a police push to declare that scheduled rallies in Sydney should not go ahead on Sunday and Monday.

A snap protest has been organised, with the Palestine Action Group Sydney calling on supporters to gather in the court precinct prior to the hearing.

“The application to ban demonstrations commemorating and mourning one year of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and now invasion of Lebanon is an attack on fundamental democratic rights,” the group said.

Organiser Josh Lees said demonstrators needed to protest “more than ever to stop this war and madness that is going on”.

“We’ll be going ahead with our protest on Sunday … regardless of what happens in the court,” he told ABC Radio on Thursday.

NSW has a permit system that allows participants to disobey laws against blocking transport routes, but police can go to court to deny protest permission.

A small number of flags for militant group Hezbollah were flown at a recent rally in Melbourne. (James Ross/AAP PHOTOS)

Read the rest here . . .

Who would have thought that a Muslim terrorist flag would adorn our city streets?

Australians – be angry, be very angry.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

The Muslim fanatic is well established in Australia

If you want any proof of the deep roots fanatical Islam has struck in Australia, this video will give it. The Muslim coverage begins at 1 min 12 secs.

These people are our enemies. They say it themselves. For them Australia is a ‘shithole, racist, settler colony’. They don’t recognize our long legally constituted country. Yet some of these fanatics sit treacherously on seats in our parliament.

Do we have to wait for a couple Muslim fanatics to step from the train at Wynyard Station and pump bullets into the white people they can see in the crowd?

Multiculturalism has been a criminally conceived disaster for the people who built the Australian nation.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election in 2025