Tag Archives: Hamas

Hamas supporter defaces War Memorial

Our enemies control our streets and deface our most precious monuments.

How is this tolerated?

Are the proper authorities too gutless to take action or do they mindfully collaborate with Australia’s enemies?

Channel 9 reported:

Police are searching for a man who allegedly defaced three parts of the Australian War Memorial with graffiti in Canberra this morning.

About 1am, the man allegedly graffitied three areas of the memorial with pro-Palestinian slogans, police said.

“The vandalism is both inappropriate and offensive,” a spokesperson from the Australian War Memorial said of the graffiti.

Multiculturalism – the great delusion

Of course, multiculturalism is a delusion for those who have swallowed the Marxist rhetoric. For the unrelenting and remorseless Marxists, multiculturalism is perhaps their heaviest weapon in their campaign to corrupt Western Civilization.

Not a week ago, The Netherlands was set ablaze by Eritrean political factions (migrants) battling each other over political problems in Eritrea.

What more is to be said about migration from Islamic countries? In every nation of the West where Muslim migrants have managed to get a foothold you have crime and violence and the refusal to integrate. Now we have weekly demonstrations of Muslims agitating on behalf of Hamas and shouting antisemitic slogans.

The Muslims are not to blame. They are just bringing their incompatible culture with them. No, it’s the woke ideologues in our governments, education and civil service that are treacherously responsible.


Prophet and Loss

Bryan Wimborne, Quadrant 21st February 2024

Ideas can be dangerous. Among the most dangerous are those that are utopian and therefore bear little or no relevance to the real world. In recent years, a popular but ill-considered utopian idea has been multiculturalism. This ideology appeals to impractical idealists and was readily adopted by the Left, which saw it as the means to undermine Western values. Multiculturalism dates from the 1963 Canadian Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, but did not become that country’s official policy until 1971. As more immigrants moved to English-speaking countries in the West, multiculturalism travelled with them. In Australia it was adopted as official policy in 1973.

The success of post-war migration to Australia should not blind us to the failings of multiculturalism. When most new settlers originated in the Western world or possessed Western values, multiculturalism appeared to work. However, it was a mistake of epic proportions to import settlers whose cultures were not compatible with those of Australia. Those who promote multiculturalism often stress the diversity it adds to the community. That is true, but there is no reason to believe that diversity is beneficial. It is a woke idea unsupported by facts. There is a fine line between diversity and disunity, one that can be erased only through integration and assimilation.

When widely differing cultures come into contact, they inevitably clash. This historical reality has been ignored by many governments who hastily embraced the theory of multiculturalism without giving thought to the dangers it poses for national cohesion.

Concerns about the effectiveness of multicultural policies to integrate migrants were eventually expressed by several world leaders. David Cameron, in his first speech as Britain’s prime minister, spoke of radicalisation and the causes of terrorism. He criticised state multiculturalism and later signalled a tougher stance on groups promoting Islamist extremism.  Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy declared multiculturalism a failed concept and called for a renewed focus on France’s identity. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said the so-called multicultural concept—where people would “live side-by-side happily”—did not work. The governments of Netherlands and Denmark, recognising multiculturalism’s disruptive effects on their communities, returned to an official policy of monoculture.

In Australia, as ethnic social unrest resulting from multiculturalism increases, it might be only a matter of time before monoculturalism is introduced to unify the nation.

Read the rest here . . .

Colonization is a fact of history

Anyone with a modest education would know that Islam arose in the 7th century and then proceeded to conquer and colonize the countries around Mediterranean which were mostly Christian. If the Islamic armies had not been stopped outside Vienna and later driven out of Spain, the map of Europe and the peoples of Europe would look a whole lot different. Islam is in essence a conquering colonising religion. They will not stop. The empirical evidence is overwhelming. Paul Collits takes us through the evidence below.


Colonisation 2.0

PAUL COLLITS, Newsletter, 6 DEC 2023

Two statements struck me this week. 

One came from a Hamas leader, who said that 7 October was “just a rehearsal”.  Which kind of makes Israel’s strategy of wiping out Hamas look pretty sensible.  Proportional, blah, blah, blah.

The second comes from the classical historian Victor Davis Hanson:

The pro-Hamas crowd has little appreciation that colonizing Arab Muslims have one of history’s longest records of “settling” other countries far from their historic birthland.

Like Rotherham, United Kingdom, where the local teenage girls received undue attention from the incomers [widespread cases of grooming and sexual abuse], just to take a random example.  Or Paris.  Or Lakemba.

Hanson continues:

They “settled” and “colonized” the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Middle East, Berber North Africa, and southern Spain. Millions of Middle Easterners migrated to—“settled?”—supposedly infidel European cities, where they often self-segregate and do not assimilate fully with their magnanimous hosts.

So, the Palestinians are both serial terrorists AND colonisers.  But why pick on them?   We are all colonisers.  Every damned one of us, since Adam was a boy.  We know that the British were.  Post 1788 bleaters, typically located in settler colonial studies programs housed in our more prestigious universities, never, ever shut up about it.

Hanson also states:

Before Israel even retaliated, the mass murdering of Jews earned praise from the Middle East, the international hard Left, and especially the faculty and students of elite Western campuses. See The Unhinged Among Us.

Note the third cohort of Jew-haters mentioned here.  The faculty and students of elite campuses.  Three things have simultaneously occurred over half a century in the academy to turn it into a seed-bed of social revolution.  First, there was the takeover of the humanities by post-modernist Marxism-Freudianism.  Second, we massively increased the numbers going on to higher education.  And third, we corporatised what were formerly communities of scholars, turning academics into employees and colonising – I use this word deliberately – the activity of teaching and learning with mini human resources dictatorships.  The universities have become the fulcrums of the push to change society.

Well, if VDH [Victor Davis Hanson] is correct, it is true that Aborigines and Palestinians do have much in common.  They are engaged in more or less aggressive re-colonisation (or de-colonisation) projects.  Tent embassy founder Gary Foley recently said:

Aboriginal people have a deep understanding of what Palestinians are going through because we are going through the same.  We stand with you to the end.

Intifada dreaming, as Timothy Cootes calls it.  Cootes says:

Decolonisation, as activists and professors like to remind each other, is not a metaphor.: it must involve taking back of land and the reclamation of sovereignty, and one might have to be armed when doing so. See Intifada Dreaming.

Read the rest here . . .