Tag Archives: Aboriginal activists

White reinvented Aboriginals preside over ‘truth-telling’ farce

Below is a 3 September report from the ‘Yoorrook Justice Commission’. This justice commission is about slandering the white settlers who built the nation that funds such commissions whose sole object is to disqualify the true Australians – the people who originated from the community of the First Fleet. The Aboriginals – a post-settlement determination – had nothing to do with the nation’s establishment. In fact, they did their best to stop the nation building by slaughtering settlers, killing their stock, and burning their crops.

How’s that for truth?

You won’t get that truth – empirically justified – from the ‘Yoorrook Commission’. You’ll get their own brand of self-serving separatist truth.


Descendants of early colonial figures to give evidence to Yoorrook

September 3, 2024

Content warning: Please note the following contains historic language and events that may cause distress to First Peoples.

Three non-Indigenous witnesses are set to give evidence to Victoria’s truth telling process this week. This includes two descendants of early colonial figures who will reflect on their families’ involvement in key events in Victoria’s colonial history, which had a devastating effect on First Peoples.

The hearing will look at issues including early massacres of First Peoples in the 1830s and 40s and the passing of the so-called ‘Half Caste’ Act in 1886, which played a key role in the Stolen Generations.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission hearing will commence at 10am on Wednesday September 4 and will be livestreamed via the Yoorrook Facebook page and website.

Witnesses will include:

  • Elizabeth Balderstone, the current owner of a property in Gippsland on which the ‘Warrigal Creek’ massacre occurred in 1843.
  • Peter Sharp, a great grandson of former Prime Minister Alfred Deakin, who has researched Deakin’s involvement in the passage of the Aborigines Protection Act 1886, more commonly known as the ‘Half Caste’ Act.
  • Dr Katrina Kell, a researcher, author and fourth-generation matrilineal descendant of Captain James Liddell, who brought Edward Henty to Gunditjmara Country in November 1834 on board ‘the Thistle’, leading to the first permanent European settlement in what would become the State of Victoria.

Read the rest here . . .

Indoctrination and national betrayal – how far will it go?

Students told to put ‘hands on the ground’, repeat ‘always will be Aboriginal land’ before assembly

Primary students are being told to put their “hands on the ground” and say “always will be Aboriginal land” during the Acknowledgement of Country.

Frank Chung, news.com.au 2 July 2024

Students at a Sydney primary school are being told to put their hands on the ground and repeat “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” as part of the Acknowledgement of Country ceremony before each assembly.

It’s understood schools are also increasingly opting to play the “Aboriginal instruments” Australian national anthem in lieu of the standard version for assemblies.

“I’m not sure a lot of people know,” said one mum from NSW’s lower Blue Mountains, who did not want her children’s school named. “We have to touch the ground and say ‘always was, always will be Aboriginal land’ at the start of assembly at school now.”

The mum said she “only noticed recently” the addition of the updated national anthem accompanied by the didgeridoo and stick instruments.

Versions of the national anthem featuring Aboriginal instruments have been in use at some schools for several years, and are listed among official recordings on the Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

“A lot of the parents look confused when they place their hands on the floor for the Acknowledgement of Country,” the mum added.

Another parent at the school confirmed touching the ground had been a standard part of assemblies for some time.

It’s understood that the NSW Department of Education advocates the use of the Acknowledgement of Country at schools across the state as a sign of respect to local Indigenous communities.

Read the rest here . . .

Reconciliation Australia’s Two-Faced Activism

Joe Stella, Quadrant, 27 May 2024

Every year, Reconciliation Australia Limited (RAL) marks the period between the anniversaries of the 1967 referendum (May 217) and the Mabo judgment (June 3) as National Reconciliation Week. Last year, the theme was “Be a Voice for generations”, a reference to the looming referendum. This year’s theme, “Now more than ever”, reflects the organisation’s unprocessed shock and denial at the result. According to RAL, “as a nation we stumbled” but “the fight” must continue.

Really? RAL has now been operating for 23 years, more than twice as long as the statutory Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation that preceded it. As I have argued in a new paper for Close the Gap Research, “surely so emphatic a defeat of what advocates called ‘an act of reconciliation’ demands an objective assessment of the continued viability of that process.”

That assessment must begin with a difficult and still largely unexplored question: Is reconciliation what Aborigines actually want? In an address delivered during the last Reconciliation Week, ‘Yes’ campaigner Megan Davis cast serious doubt on this. During consultations in the lead-up to the 2017 Uluru Statement, she told a Townsville audience, “our old people kept saying, unsolicited and organically, that reconciliation was the wrong process, that reconciliation was the wrong word.”

We do not know how many of these “old people” there were, much less whether they represent a significant body of opinion among Aborigines. However, Davis’ comments are helpful because they at least acknowledge the diprotodon in the room. Reconciliation has always been promoted as a means to cement national unity. As such, it is inimical to a radical Aboriginal rights agenda centred on the indicia of a separate race-based nationhood: sovereignty, self-determination, international recognition, treaties, embassies and so on.

The Uluru Statement endorses the Aboriginal nationalist program first developed by the National Aboriginal Conference between 1979 and 1981. This includes Aboriginal sovereignty, a treaty (makarrata), reparations and recognition of customary law. The Voice to Parliament, the brainchild of non-Aboriginal academic Shireen Morris, was a novel addition. As later accounts of the convention that produced the Uluru Statement demonstrate, a treaty was the top priority for many delegates. They needed to be persuaded that the Voice was a necessary preliminary measure. This tension is reflected in the final text of the Statement, which characterises a treaty as “the culmination of our agenda”.

Read the rest here . . .

Woolworths – Treachery Betrayal

In early January 2024, the news broke that the Woolworths Group had got rid of their Australia Day merchandise (flags, caps, towels, and so on). They would no longer sell anything to do with Australia Day. The decision was clearly ideological. Woolworths management had joined the woke elites who supported the Aboriginal activists. This was in the face of the crushing defeat the activists suffered in the referendum to authorize what in reality was a separate Aboriginal state. Outrage thundered across Australia. Woolworths remained unrepentant. In this video, I show on the basis of the information on Woolworths’ corporate website, that the Woolworths’ Group is fully committed to the wokish agenda. The outrage of the ordinary Australian was justified.


Woolworth’s decision to remove Australia Day merchandise from its shelves hit like a bombshell across Australia.

What could they have been thinking, people were asking? Loud contempt and savage criticism have been poured on the corporate sector for cowardly turning their backs on ordinary people and falling in behind the wokist and Marxist elites who are never finished reading us their lessons and never finished scheming and manipulating the political process.

One would think that prudence would have dictated more subtle political action. But, no, in a sickening act of betrayal, they resorted to a business nulla nulla to bash us into submitting to their wokist political agenda. Indeed, Woolworths’ competitor, Coles, seems to have decided to keep Australia Day stock and escaped the lashing. Woolworths’ cussedness is an indication of their ideological rigidity. The people must obey, and if they resist, they must be made to obey.

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci fronted the media on behalf of what’s called the Woolworths Group Executive Committee to defend the corporation’s action.

He squirmed and wriggled as he struggled to parry the criticism with the excuse that it was an economic decision. Australia Day merchandise did not sell. No sense in having stock that doesn’t sell. That’s pitiable nonsense, of course. It’s a fact that Australians buy Australia Day merchandise throughout the year, and not only around Australia Day. On simple business principles, a business would stock merchandise for which there was a demand. Brad’s explanation did not wash. And people could smell the wokist politics a mile off.

Continue reading Woolworths – Treachery Betrayal

They have turned against us

Caving into the violence of the far-left ‘Aboriginal’ activists

Far-left ‘Aboriginal’ activists have continued their program of intimidation and demoralization – classic Marxist praxis. They went on a raid to destroy monuments to Australia’s colonial period which was a preface to the nation as we know it.

The statue of Captain Cook at St Kilda, the monument in Fitzroy Gardens, and the statue of Queen Victoria near the CBD were victims of the raid.

The media, including the ABC in the report below, are calling it the work of ‘vandals’ when they know very well who the perpetrators are. Indeed, a question remains how much collusion there is between the Marxists, the media (especially the ABC), and local councils who the Marxists have hijacked.

The activist thugs left various messages behind their work of intimidation: ‘Cook the colony’, ‘shame’, ‘the colony will fall’. Those messages are a continuing declaration of war against the Australian nation.

Do you think Australia’s authorities will carry the war up to those traitors and subversives? Not on your life. Some are too gutless to act; others support the treachery and subversion. They support what amounts to a political, land and cultural coup.

Far-left Jacinta Allan, Daniel-Andrews-clone and premier of Australia’s first genuine Marxist government, declared the statue of Captain Cook would be restored when the news first broke. Now, she says she is leaving it to the councils. We know what the relevant councils will do, don’t we?

It has been reported that a ‘Yarra city council officer has recommended the memorial be permanently removed due to the serious, irreparable damage and because it has “little or no significance” to the park.’ Exactly. This is the way the war will continue.

Is there nobody to defend the Australian people?


Captain Cook monument toppled in Edinburgh Gardens in Melbourne’s north, days after vandalism spree

ABC Sun 28 Jan 2024

A stone monument toppled over with the words "cook the colony" graffitied on the stone in red paint
The toppled Captain Cook plaque was emblazoned with the words “cook the colony”.(ABC News)

Police are investigating after a colonial monument in Melbourne’s north was targeted by vandals, following a string of similar incidents around the city in the lead up to January 26.

A stone monument to Captain Cook at the entrance to Edinburgh Gardens in Fitzroy North was toppled and spray-painted with the words, “cook the colony”.

The monument had been the target of several acts of vandalism in recent years, with one incident in 2020 seeing the monument crossed out with white paint, with the word “shame” painted across it.

Following that incident, former Yarra Mayor Misha Coleman said that despite the continued vandalisation, there were no plans to remove the monument.

Investigations ongoing, police said

The latest incident comes after two other statues around Melbourne were the target of vandalism earlier in the week.

A statue of Queen Victoria was splashed with red paint near Melbourne’s CBD, while a statue of Captain Cook was sawn off at the ankles, toppled, and painted with the phrase, “The colony will fall”.

The incidents are presumed to be in protest against the commemoration of colonial figures in public spaces.

Police said in a statement that investigations into whether the three incidents were connected was ongoing.

“The plaque has been pushed over and sprayed with red paint,” the statement read.

“It is yet to be established when the damage took place, and the investigation is ongoing.”

Police are urging anyone with information about any of the incidents to contact Crime Stoppers.