Tag Archives: Aboriginal

65,000 years? An extraordinary claim without justification

Think about it. The claim that Aboriginal culture is 65,000 years old, and the world’s oldest continuing culture is extraordinary – given what is known about ancient peoples.

How do we know it was the same culture and the same people over 65,000 years? The earliest written records (Sumerian and Egyptian) go back no more than 3,400 years, and the first coherent records (Sumerian and Egyptian) are no more than 2,600 years old.

Of course, fossil traces of human existence go back thousands of years, but bits of bone say nothing specifically cultural. One can accept fossil traces of human existence have been found on the Australian continent, but that does not mean it was irrefutably the same people or exactly the same culture.

It does not assault reason to say Aboriginal culture, as found by the settlers in January 1788, may not have been more than a few thousand years old.

Who is Australian?

The message below was included in the latest email from the federal Liberal member for Bowen, Henry Pike. Not only do Redlands public school teachers display their bigotry and adherence to the system of apartheid proposed by the Aboriginal elite, they show a deep-seated ignorance of what constitutes a nation.

Of course, we wouldn’t expect primary school teachers to be versed in political philosophy. But you expect them to have an inkling of what aspects would be considered when talking about the concept of nation. I refer the reader to the links on my homepage where I deal with the idea of nation in detail.

The essential aspect of a nation, however, is that it is a moral and political incorporation of a people developed over time and not just a mass of land. Indeed, a mass of land is a mass of land until a people organize over it. Australia refers to the nation built by the British settlers after the arrival of the First Fleet. The Aboriginals had little to do with it.


Henry Pike MP:

This is a slide used in a Redlands public school last week to teach our kids that a non-indigenous Australian should be referred to as an “occupier” or “coloniser” but shouldn’t be called “Australian”.

Is this man an Aboriginal?

This is Marcus Stewart described as a ‘Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung Nation’.

But I say this is a white European man whose ancestry is most likely in one or other Germanic tribe of Northwest Europe. Put a horned helmet on his head, a wolf skin around his neck, a sword in one hand, and shield in the other, he could convincingly pass as an extra in a television series about the Vikings.

But Marcus has long paraded unashamedly before the glare of the television cameras as an Aborigine. Does he really think he fools anyone but the most biased activists – indigenous of non-indigenous – that collection of fanatics who are conning the Australian people into accepting a system of apartheid?

Today Marcus is reported as accusing Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price of hating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

“I don’t think I’ve come across anyone that hates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander — or seems to hate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people so much,”

In another report, white European Marcus is recorded as saying, ‘We have a far-right politician in Senator Nampijinpa Price out there spreading lies, spreading mis- and disinformation.’

This is typical of the abuse fakes like Marcus resort to when confronted with arguments against the YES campaign. Marcus and his faux-Aboriginal mates will spout this sort of abuse until the last moment of the campaign to establish the parasitic nation of their fantasies.

Senator Price was not lost for words as reported in the Daily Mail:

‘What can I say? I’m used to powerful Aboriginal men personally attacking me when they feel like they’re on the backfoot … And evidently that’s where Mr Stewart is at … This reeks of desperation from the Yes campaign … [Mr Stewart is] completely removed from the Indigenous people [in her family and in the most vulnerable communities] … He has been part of the Aboriginal industry and done very well for himself]

‘All I’ve been fighting for, for many years now, is for my mob in the bush to have the same sorts of opportunities that he has had in life.’

Of course, she is absolutely right.

The great difference between Marcus and Senator Price is that Senator Price has a full-blood parent and grew up in outback Aboriginal society while Marcus is the product of the white urban middle class.

No divisions – no separatism – one people under one law

I am firmly behind Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and her fellow Aboriginal Australians. It is not racist to see the Voice as a retrograde step for all Australians.

* * * * *

‘We are one Australia’: Fair Australia Indigenous delegation demands to be heard in Canberra

 Fair Australia, March 22, 2023 Matthew Sheahan 

A delegation of Aboriginal Australians have travelled to Canberra thanks to the Fair Australia (powered by ADVANCE) campaign, to ask the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader to hear their ‘no’ case in opposition to the Voice.

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price hosted the 22 community leaders, including 11 from Ngukurr in Roper River.

Organised by ‘no’ campaign Fair Australia, they are seeking meetings with Mr Albanese and Mr Dutton to offer their simple message: the Voice will divide Australians by race, rather than uniting us as a nation.

Nationals senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has warned the PM not to expect First Nations people to vote “yes” on the Voice to parliament referendum.

Senator Nampijinpa Price introduced the Indigenous community representatives from across the country to politicians from different parties.

Senator Price said Aboriginal people did not want to be divided or segregated, as the divisive Voice will do.

“We stand as one under this flag as Australians – whether we are from the first peoples of this country, whether we’re from those who came on the first fleet, and the settlers and the migrants that come to this country,” she said.

“We are one Australia.”

Senator Nampijinpa Price said there was a legitimate fear in communities that the Voice would stoke division and undo any work to close the gap.

“We’ve overcome segregation in our country, to then go ahead and put it in our founding document, that is not the right thing to do going forward,” she said.

Fair Australia delegation member and social worker Molisa Carney said existing representative bodies that were supposed to be representing Indigenous people were “ignoring” them.

“Why aren’t our politicians … going out to the remote communities. In those communities, no one knows about the Voice,” she said.

“And what about our poor children, the next generation – what are you going to provide for them? Division? Segregation, you’ve already done segregation.

“We’re all Australians here, we’re meant to be working together – not against each other.”

Advancing the Marxist agenda – fabrications and white Anglo erasures

School library discards outdated and offensive books on colonisation

Adam Carey, 18 February 2023

Dozens of 20th century non-fiction titles deemed historically inaccurate or offensive have been removed from the Northcote High School library as part of a push to decolonise the school’s book collection.

Texts that refer to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as nomads or hunter-gatherers, or that depict European colonisation as peaceful and omit reference to frontier conflict, are among those that were cut from the school’s collection.

The audit resulted in 36 books being removed from the library and a further 12 titles being filed under a new restricted category.

Victoria’s school librarians’ association, which is developing a “diversity toolkit” for schools seeking to update their collections, said Northcote had set an example for other schools to follow. Northcote has also encouraged other schools to follow its lead.

The large government school in Melbourne’s north leaned heavily on the guidance of Dr Al Fricker, a Dja Dja Wurrung man and expert in Indigenous education with Deakin University, in auditing all 7000 titles on its library shelves.

Read the rest here …

Flags treason and insurgency

It should have come as no surprise that Adam Bandt, Marxist traitor and leader of the Greens, put aside the Australian flag prior to a press conference. He was acting true to character – and true to the character of the poisonous party he leads. People should get by the treacherous slime and see what they’re voting for.

On his Sky News program, Andrew Bolt gave us a view of the traitors and the flags that stand for insurgency and betrayal: Australia’s elites are ‘ashamed’ of national flag.

Every time I see the 1971 Anglo-Aboriginal political flag flying above the Harbour Bridge in Sydney and the Westgate Bridge in Melbourne, I see a blazing symbol of treason and betrayal by government and of insurgency by one tiny sector of the Australian population who think they’re superior to the rest of us.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and the box-tickers

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price‘s Newsletter 30 July 2021

Can you believe they feel bad for being white?

Have you heard about “box-tickers”?

They’re the selfish inner-city wokes who are planning to say they’re Indigenous on the Census form when actually they’re no such thing.

They do it to feel good about themselves. As one box-ticker said, she just feels “more connected with the land and with Aboriginal people”.

They hope the government will see all these extra Indigenous people on the Census and funnel more resources into supporting them.

There’s a few things going on here, all of them bad news for Indigenous Australians.

Across Australia, 50 per cent of those who identify as Indigenous marry and have children with those who aren’t Indigenous. In places like Melbourne and Sydney, it’s up to 80 per cent. It’s down around 8 or 9 per cent in places like the NT.

That means that in the bigger built-up cities, Indigenous people are culturally and linguistically almost exactly the same as the next Australian, whereas in places like the Northern Territory, there are vast cultural and linguistic differences.

Those that are living in cities and have access to services also have better education and employment outcomes.

They are actually doing quite well.

The huge problem with the overrepresentation of Indigenous Australians where the box-tickers live, is that funding meant for marginalised Indigenous Australians in the bush gets put into the inner-cities where it’s of absolutely no use to the people who need it.

The most marginalised Indigenous Australians are those in remote and regional areas, where they make up over 50 per cent of the population – they’re the ones who need it.

And often the crime rate in places like this is more than 50 per cent more than the state or territory average.

Quite often the crime that outstrips all other crimes is domestic and family violence.

What’s worse is that these box-tickers will make the official data look like we’re “closing the gap” between white and Indigenous disadvantage, when clearly we’re not.

The gap exists between the cities and remote and regional Australia as well, and it doesn’t necessarily matter if you’re Indigenous or not.

Can you believe there are so many people in this country who feel so bad for being white they’d tick a box to say they weren’t?

No human being should have to feel bad because of the colour of their skin.

We have to stop demonising white Australians, painting them as evil and bad compared to the victimised people of colour.

It’s just not right.

And the awful thing is that these people – these box-tickers – will end up costing Indigenous Australians.

You’re part of this country, regardless of your background, and that is the thinking we need to have so every Australian knows they belong.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Country Liberal Senate Candidate for NT

Another cowardly corporation caves into far-left activists


What a bunch of appalling cowards the corporate world has become. News has just broken that gutless Canadian company SAPUTO has caved into a small bunch of far-left activists in Australia who claim ‘COON’ as in Coon Cheese had ‘racist connotations’.

The leader of the small poisonous group is cited in media reports as Stephen Hagan, ‘Hagan’ having European/Germanic derivations, No connotation here, but a direct root in Europan/Germanic culture.

In some media reports Hagan is described as ‘academic’, in others as an ‘Aboriginal activist’. Hagan is likely an Australian of Aboriginal Ancestry (AOAA) with no more than splash of Aboriginal blood in his European blood flow. We see these white Aboriginals at the forefront of agitation, sucking on the fat teat of government largess, and oppressing the general population.

Of course when you claim you are Aboriginal in Australia, you feel entitled to say or do whatever you want, and you do or say whatever you want. As for the rest of the (white) population, we can all go to buggery.

It makes no difference that 99% of the Australian population never connected Coon Cheese with anything pertaining to race. All you have to do as an ‘Aboriginal’ activist is concoct a story about racist discrimination and feed to a compliant leftist media, and you’re home and hosed. The elected authorities go down like a pack of cards.

What we are seeing in a Australia is the wholesale betrayal of our Australian way of life.