White reinvented Aboriginals – ‘Blak, loud and proud’

The Voice – the campaign for segregation, separatism, and massive land transfer – utterly failed. Undaunted, the campaigners are coming at it from the direction of ‘truth telling’ and ‘treaty’.

If only they would tell the truth about the notion of nation.

The campaign would be nothing without the perfidious people at the government-funded ABC.


National NAIDOC Awards winners embody 2024 NAIDOC Week theme of ‘Blak, Loud and Proud’

By Indigenous affairs reporter Tahnee Jash and Sophie Holder, ABC 7 July 2024

The National NAIDOC Week Awards in Adelaide on Saturday night embodied this year’s theme: Blak, Loud and Proud.

It was the first major gathering of First Nations people since the defeat of the Indigenous Voice referendum last year, with almost 2,000 people in the crowd breaking last year’s record.

Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney said despite the disappointing referendum result, it was reaffirming to see a large crowd gathered to celebrate Black excellence.

“I think us coming together tonight in such huge numbers is really important to build our spirits and build our joy and our belief in just how incredible our people are,” she said.

Reflecting on the referendum result, she said there were “silver linings”.

“We’re in South Australia — there’s a voice to parliament, there’s a treaty process. The only state that doesn’t have a treaty process or truth-telling process is Western Australia,” she said.

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