Indoctrination and national betrayal – how far will it go?

Students told to put ‘hands on the ground’, repeat ‘always will be Aboriginal land’ before assembly

Primary students are being told to put their “hands on the ground” and say “always will be Aboriginal land” during the Acknowledgement of Country.

Frank Chung, 2 July 2024

Students at a Sydney primary school are being told to put their hands on the ground and repeat “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” as part of the Acknowledgement of Country ceremony before each assembly.

It’s understood schools are also increasingly opting to play the “Aboriginal instruments” Australian national anthem in lieu of the standard version for assemblies.

“I’m not sure a lot of people know,” said one mum from NSW’s lower Blue Mountains, who did not want her children’s school named. “We have to touch the ground and say ‘always was, always will be Aboriginal land’ at the start of assembly at school now.”

The mum said she “only noticed recently” the addition of the updated national anthem accompanied by the didgeridoo and stick instruments.

Versions of the national anthem featuring Aboriginal instruments have been in use at some schools for several years, and are listed among official recordings on the Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

“A lot of the parents look confused when they place their hands on the floor for the Acknowledgement of Country,” the mum added.

Another parent at the school confirmed touching the ground had been a standard part of assemblies for some time.

It’s understood that the NSW Department of Education advocates the use of the Acknowledgement of Country at schools across the state as a sign of respect to local Indigenous communities.

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