Native title land grab

The federal and state governments seem to be in a race to give Australian land – great chunks of it – to one particular class of Australians, a class that thinks it’s superior to all other folk, particularly superior to the illegitimate class that built the Australian nation and who finance their land grab. How much land will the government gift to this class? Could there be a more successful strategy of breeding rebellion?

The Little-Used but Vital Word ‘Usufruct’ – Quadrant Online, John Singer, 9 June 2022

The Enduring and Expanding Myth of Mabo – Quadrant Online, Chris Battle, 7 June 2022

‘Healing and pride’: Woppaburra Native Title rights recognised over Keppel Islands | NITV (

Cape York Traditional Owners celebrate ‘special’ Native Title determination | NITV (

Tears as landholder gives Flinders Ranges land to traditional owners – ABC News

Traditional owners formalised in new boundaries covering central Melbourne, Rachel Eddie, The Age, 1 July 2021

First Ayers Rock, now Mount Warning, Markc Hendrikcs. 18 January 2021

Whitefella, Be Gone! Landmarks and Racial Exclusion, David Bartong, 12 December 2020