Russian propaganda and the Tenet case

KGB supremo and USSR reviver Vladamir Putin might be struggling on the battlefield but he’s taking all before him in the propaganda war. Nothing has revealed the dark tentacles of the revived KGB and the USSR than the recent scandal of Russian dark money paying well-known conservative You Tubers to do their dirty work. Jake Broe gives an irrefutable account of the Lauren Chen and Tenet project in the video below. The account begins at around the 14-minute mark.

It is utterly astounding.

Jake Broe is well-known for his convincing reporting and analysis of Russia’s war against Ukraine. He is less convincing about Donald Trump who he denounces as a Russian stooge. Indeed, he lacks the distance in judgement he shows in his reporting of the war.

Although I have said in previous posts that Trump will likely lose the election if he does not reverse his view of the war and support Ukraine, Trump cannot be reduced merely to a Russian stooge. Apart from his view about the war, Trump has policies that are in the main acceptable to a clear-headed conservative. Little that far-left fanatic Kamala Harris proposes is acceptable.


Two Russian citizens who work for RT News have been indicted by the Department of Justice for money laundering and failing to register as foreign agents after paying millions to a group of right-wing podcasters and influencers including Lauren Chen, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, Tayler Hansen, Matt Christiansen, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson.