The truth about colonialism

It is high time for some sense and historical accuracy to enter the vigorous ‘debate’ about colonialism in general and Great Britain’s colonial past in particular. Nigel Biggar Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Oxford and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Pusey House, Oxford has done just that with his just published ‘Colonialism’. From Triggernometry’s description of the their interview with Biggar:

‘Nigel Biggar CBE was Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Oxford and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Pusey House, Oxford. He holds a BA in Modern History from Oxford and a PhD in Christian Theology & Ethics from the University of Chicago. His most recent book ‘Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning’ was initially accepted by Bloomsbury, who later changed their mind claiming “public feeling on the subject does not currently support the publication of the book”. The book was ultimately published by William Collins and has become a Sunday Times Bestseller.’

See the final 10 minutes of the video to hear who at Bloomsbury kicked up the fuss, forcing the publisher to run away from the contract and the author to take it back.

The interview here: (1313) The Truth About Colonialism with Nigel Biggar – YouTube

Buy the book here: Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning eBook : Biggar, Nigel: Kindle Store