Category Archives: Racism

Old Parliament House – insurrectionists’ act of war

A naked act of war entirely predictable

Insurrectionists, mostly Australians of different degrees of Aboriginal ancestry, some unrecognisable as ‘indigenous’, have been shouting their intentions for years. They don’t recognise ‘ownership or ‘sovereignty’ over Australia by anyone but themselves. ‘Always was, and always will be’ is a constant refrain sung by the complicit government-funded ABC and SBS. These are not empty beliefs. They are intentions and beliefs to be acted on. And they have acted.

They were shouting ‘burn it down, burn it down’ while they piled kindling on the flames eating away at the doors of Old Parliament House. They had no compunction setting alight Old Parliament House. It was a right act in a righteous cause. Their ownership gives them the right to destroy whatever does not meet their insurrectionist/separatist agenda.

And there, yet again, was the seriously delusional Greens senator, Lidia Thorpe, shouting her support for what was nothing else but an act of war.

The insurrectionists have declared war on Australia. Why not give them the war they want?

White Aboriginals’ apartheid system is closer

White Aboriginal, MP Ken Wyatt, entirely indistinguishable as an Aboriginal, Indigenous, or First Nations person (the title changes according to its perceived political advantage), has announced the Morrison government’s policy on the ‘voice’ in parliament.

Coalition to build Indigenous voice from ground up

Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt had previously said he wanted an Indigenous voice legislated before the next election. Picture: Katrina Bridgeford.
Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt had previously said he wanted an Indigenous voice legislated before the next election. Picture: Katrina Bridgeford.

The Morrison government will start building an Indigenous voice from the ground up after cabinet agreed to form 35 regional and local groups that will be part of a national body.

The Coalition decided not to move immediately to the establishment of a national voice after considering the final report of the Voice’s senior advisory group led by Marcia Langton and Tom Calma.

That report, presented to government in July and due to be released on Friday, recommends the regional and local groups should be established first.

It means there is no possibility the Morrison government will attempt to legislate a voice before the next election. Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt had previously said he wanted a voice before the poll.

Instead, the Morrison government will appoint a local and regional voice establishment group to work with government to form the 35 local and regional voice bodies. The government will also hold discussions with states, territories and local governments about their role in establishing and supporting the various regional and local groups.

The current blueprint for the voice is the result of work by 52 prominent Australians, most of them Indigenous, followed by a public consultation period that took feedback and suggestions from 9400 people and organisations.

Three white Aboriginals who we must pretend are black

Read the rest here…

‘First Nations’ – An oracular class

I have alleged often on this website that Aboriginal activists (mostly the delirious white faction) are agitating for a separatist system of government in Australia. Theirs is an apartheid, though, with a huge difference from the South African system in which black Africans were the inferior race.

In our local activists’ vision (not all Aboriginals are activists), white Anglo-Celtic peoples who established and built the Australian nation with absolutely no input from the disparate Aboriginal tribes roaming the continent, constitute the inferior caste.

But Australia’s Aboriginal activists (particularly the white ones) are not the only indigenous group struck down by delusions of superiority. In all countries where Europeans founded a new nation you have a similar a group of ‘First Nations’ people pontificating to the bad white (mostly Anglo-Celtic) folk, often from fat-cat positions in government and non-government organizations.


Confession and Conspiracism in the Church of Social Justice

Jonathan Kay, Quillette, 22 Nov 2021

“Indigenous peoples have been stewards of this planet since time immemorial,” tweeted Canadian Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault from the Glasgow Climate Change Conference earlier this month. “The fight against climate change is not possible without their knowledge and leadership.”

It was an odd thing to post. In recent years, many Canadian Indigenous groups have become full commercial partners in oil and gas development projects, and so have no particular incentive to apply their “knowledge and leadership” toward assisting white environmentalists such as Guilbeault in limiting carbon emissions. But even if First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples fully answered his call, it’s not clear why they would have any special insights to offer in regard to how densely urbanized nations such as Canada can best shift their industrial base, power generation, and transportation networks to low-carbon fuel sources.

But for Canadian progressives, Guilbeault’s intended audience, his message would have made sense, as it channelled the officially endorsed conceit that Indigenous peoples comprise a sort of oracular caste, whose folk wisdom shall inform the project of planetary salvation (or as one magazine headline writer rapturously put it, “we need Indigenous wisdom to survive the apocalypse”). Canadian progressives, a constituency once defined by fastidious secularism, are now experiencing a sort of Indigenous mystical awakening—a northern variant of the phenomenon described aptly by John McWhorter in his new bookWoke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America.

Read the rest here …

Cultural vandalism by a culturally hollow elite – we must resist

Once again, I have to ask, ‘How do they get away with it? Why doesn’t somebody do something about these saboteurs and traitors?


The short story is, they are coming for the classics

Frank Furedi, The Australian, 17 October 2021

Why am I not surprised to read the Welsh National Opera will run a series of lectures on Madame Butterfly to highlight issues of “imperialism and colonialism”?

Because in recent years it has become increasingly fashionable to frame Western art and culture in a negative light. All its great inspiring figures, from Chaucer to Shakespeare through to Jane Austen face the charge of being “too Western”, “too white” or “too racist”. Classical music, ballet and opera are also dismissed in a similar vein. Western classical culture has always been the target of dogmatic radical commissars on the grounds it is elitist, out of date, irrelevant and far too exclusive. Now these philistine arguments have fused with those promoted by advocates of identity politics.

Hostility towards Western classical culture is frequently justified on the ground that it is too old, too white, too male and far too homophobic. This point was emphasised recently by a participant in the Gender Equity and Diversity in Opera Summit organised by the Australian Music Centre. Sonya Holowell took great objection to the traditional meritocratic emphasis on quality in the opera world. She dismissed the idea that “quality comes first” on the grounds that it “ignores the inherent privileges that many” are afforded

Her solution is to “decolonise the high arts”. In praise of this form of artistic vandalism she asks, the “pertinent question to me is what do we want to leave intact?” Judging by recent unrestrained attacks on classical culture, the answer must be “not very much”.

Read the rest here…

Marxist rewriting of Australia’s history continues on ‘multicultural’ channel SBS

Under the heading SBS series New Gold Mountain rewrites history, and short-changes the audience, Catherine Hannebery writes in the Australian a penetrating review of NEW GOLD MOUNTAIN, an expensive SBS production.

I have scarcely read a more compelling deconstruction of the endless woke, Marxist-driven series served up for us on the taxpayer-funded ABC and SBS. Indeed, SBS has risen to Australia’s leading far-left propagator of what they present as ‘multiculturalism’, but in reality is an unrelenting, rancid dish of anti-white racism, particularly focusing on Australians of Anglo-Celtic ancestry.

For the traitorous white management of SBS, there could not be a badder, more racist lot than the people who laid the foundations of the Australian nation and delivered it complete by the 1950s, only to be improved upon – or subverted.

By minutely examining the SBS version of an actual event, Hannebery convincingly shows how SBS perverted the real story for ideological purposes. Indeed, everything on SBS is generated for ideological purposes. Her judgement is irrefutable on the evidence:

‘There is much to say about what the series promises, and what it delivers. But the central problem is the ideological use of historical fiction. Egregious colonial misdeeds and racism are being presented in the form of entertainment and we are being invited to draw contemporary parallels. This series, in my view, poses questions about the use and abuse of history…

The biggest disconnect in the TV series lies between the visionary premise of viewing colonial history through an authentic Chinese lens and the insensible narrative dreamt up to deliver this. Rather than the gritty truth, or the intriguing Chinese men of flesh and blood involved in the real murder case, the producers have served up revisionist-western tropes and characters filled from central casting. A woke agenda has shifted the storytelling goals from truth-telling to wishful thinking — with glib prescriptions about who the villains and heroes need to be…

‘The fictionalised story on screen undermines the producers’ conceit that they might be delivering us an important untold story. While it captures vividly the multicultural backbone of life in the frontier society and the goldrush’s hothousing effect on greed and ambition — beyond this, reality has been jettisoned. With Shing as the narrative’s pivot, the murder mystery is reinvented and backfilled with inclusive melodrama…

‘As the series frames itself as a revisionist-western, it doubles-down on mixed messaging. There are protagonists in period costume expressing 21st century ideas, alternately slicing or shooting each other up and talking about their feelings. By episode three, we are led to understand that inclusive community-based detective work will crack the murder case. We are reminded pointedly by fictional characters about their brave quests for truth.

‘This is what retro-fitted empowerment and agency look like for marginalised groups in expensive TV period drama…’

Why does the ordinary Australian put up with the misuse of their money for traitorous ideological purposes?

Aruna Khilanani – who’s the racist psychopath?

Adam Creighton in an article in the Australian (9 June 2021), Yale in damage control over ‘shoot white people’ lecture, gives a brain-exploding look into the demented hatred of white people that prevails in academia in the West. He writes:

‘New York psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani, in a lecture at Yale’s Child Study Centre titled The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind, said white people were “out of their minds and had been for a long time” in remarks that supercharged the debate over far-left teaching in schools and universities.

“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f..king favour,” she told the audience of clinicians and child mental health experts.’

Did you get that? Let’s read it again to make sure we’re not imagining something so grotesquely psychotic.

“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f..king favour,” she told the audience of clinicians and child mental health experts.’

Such unblushing outbursts are not uncommon. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of anti-white racism that floats unchecked in academia.

Khilanani’s name (appropriate for a racist psychotic) and appearance places her ancestry in the Indian subcontinent, a regions rife with class distinction and abject poverty. So, here we have another case of someone arriving in the affluent West, taking advantage of all that it has to offer, and as thanks then turn to subversion and sabotage. Not an uncommon case. (Anne Tyler provides more information on Wikibious)


Yale in damage control over ‘shoot white people’ lecture

New York psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani said her remarks had been taken out of context. Picture: TikTok
New York psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani said her remarks had been taken out of context. Picture: TikTok

Adam Creighton, The Australian, 9 June 2021

America’s most exclusive university, Yale, has distanced itself from a guest lecturer who said she had fantasies about shooting white people.

New York psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani, in a lecture at Yale’s Child Study Centre titled The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind, said white people were “out of their minds and had been for a long time” in remarks that supercharged the debate over far-left teaching in schools and universities.

“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f..king favour,” she told the audience of clinicians and child mental health experts.

Yale University said it “found the tone and content antithetical to the values of the school”, and restricted access to a video of the lecture.

“We ultimately decided to post the video with access limited to those who could have attended the talk— the members of the Yale community,” the university’s School of Medicine said in a statement.

Read the rest here…

Blacks on the First Fleet

An article appearing on the website The Feed, a part of SBS, Australia’s multicultural TV channel, is headed, Did you know there were 12 Africans on the First Fleet?

Well, yes, I did know. I found out when I was conducting research on my family history. As it turns out, two of my ancestors were on the First Fleet, one a (female) convict, the other the Master’s steward, who later became a free settler (see my book PRISON HULK TO REDEMPTION). Anyone who does any research on the First Fleet will inevitably come across that information. It’s there for everyone to find.

It’s not hidden. There’s no conspiracy to ‘erase’ the presence of Africans on the First Fleet. And I did not throw my white Anglo-Celtic arms up in horror when that terrible information confronted me. No, I was still seated and just passed on in my reading of the conditions my convict ancestor suffered.

The Feed asks, ‘Why isn’t the history of African convicts widely known?’ Well, could it be because there was such a small number?There was a similar number of Jews. Does that make Australia anti-Semitic because no one talks about them? There were other nationalities, similarly in the forgetfulness of us terrible white Anglo-Celtic Australians.

When some of the lily-white descendants of two of the Africans came to investigate their family tree, they found the information in the records. No worries.

Historian Cassandra Pybus had no doubts about why. It was not general information, according to Pybus, ‘because Australia’s a racist society, and there was a concerted effort to wipe out non-Europeans from Australia’s history.’ Utter nonsense – part of the leftist narrative for the gullible – an idea kept alive by her class.

Has Pybus an explanation for the attacks on Australia’s borders by non-white people and for the hordes of non-white people poised on the periphery of South-East Asia just waiting for a chance to move south?

Australia until the 1950s was no more concerned with preserving its culture than other self-respecting nations. What is seen selectively as racist (it’s only countries where Caucasians dominate) is simply guardianship of the culture. Who would call Japan an inherently racist country?

But Pybus is an historian highly regarded by the left, and well-known for entertaining her leftist class with her thrashing of the white racist far-right men (just men) she imagines around her. (See The Devil and James McAuley.)

Yet again, multicultural SBS demonstrates it runs at the head of those propagating anti-white racism in Australia.

Racism is not restricted to whites – obviously

It’s not racism if the ABC do it – and it’s about Australia’s majority white population. Their comedy skit Wake Up to Yourself is ostensibly meant to be a parody of the way white talk programs go on. But it’s no parody. No one will find a television produced by white people in which white people appear that resembles anything like this crude ignorant unfunny racist skit.

The ABC, run predominantly by culturally hollow white people, and the government funded SBS, Australia’s ‘multicultural’ channel, are out there, in the forefront, propagating anti-white racism in Australia.

Advance Australia

MP Patrick Gorman, the federal Labor member for Perth, wants to ditch the 26th of January as the day to celebrate Australia Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the arrival of Captain Phillip and the First Fleet, bringing Western Civilization to the continental mass that is now called Australia. He sees nothing to celebrate in the date. He said, ‘When I look at the things I love about Australia Day, none of them are intrinsically connected to the date of January 26.’ It’s an astounding admission.

How does he think the building he works in came to be there, and the moral and political purpose for which it was built? Did it just materialise out of his fantasies? Or is it one of those things Bruce Pascoe forgot to include in his fairy tale about pre-settlement Australia. Or is Gorman part of the campaign to reinvent Aboriginal history? ADVANCE AUSTRALIA website puts some pertinent questions to someone who is either a fool or a traitor.

Don’t be gullible – Vote the voice down

Why conservatives shouldn’t support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Peter O’Brien, Spectator Australia, 10 August 2021

Yesterday, Flat White ran a piece by Senator Andrew Bragg explaining why conservatives should support the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Let me now offer my thoughts as to why conservatives should shun this idea.

There are two reasons the Voice is not a good idea. Firstly, claims that it will be advisory only and that it will not become a third chamber of Parliament are specious at best. And secondly, it will not work.

Let me begin with the first point. Senator Bragg cites a number of examples where government has a formal mechanism to receive advice – the Joint Committee on Human Rights and the Joint Standing Committees on Corporations and Intelligence and Security. Notice anything about these bodies?  That’s right. They are embedded within the parliament. There are, of course, many external bodies that proffer advice to government – industry associations and so on – that is not binding, but they do not attract the wide public support, and therefore political attention, that Aboriginal affairs does. The advice of these organizations is considered by governments but since they are essentially self-interested, albeit enlightened, their advice can safely be ignored by government if it adversely impacts other considerations.

That will not be the case with the Voice.

It’s vital to read the rest here…