Category Archives: Racism

Growing momentum for positive vote?

PM Albanese claims, ‘momentum is growing to enshrining an Indigenous voice in the Constitution’? Nonsense. The opposite. There’s growing resistance to setting up an apartheid system favouring mainly city-based Anglo-Aboriginals. He says he ‘commits to holding a national poll in the next 12 months’? Beware the Labor Party’s attempt to rush through the vote/referendum before the resistance spins out of control.

Flags treason and insurgency

It should have come as no surprise that Adam Bandt, Marxist traitor and leader of the Greens, put aside the Australian flag prior to a press conference. He was acting true to character – and true to the character of the poisonous party he leads. People should get by the treacherous slime and see what they’re voting for.

On his Sky News program, Andrew Bolt gave us a view of the traitors and the flags that stand for insurgency and betrayal: Australia’s elites are ‘ashamed’ of national flag.

Every time I see the 1971 Anglo-Aboriginal political flag flying above the Harbour Bridge in Sydney and the Westgate Bridge in Melbourne, I see a blazing symbol of treason and betrayal by government and of insurgency by one tiny sector of the Australian population who think they’re superior to the rest of us.

The fury of anti-white racism

Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred, Part II

Richard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant, 28 April 2022

Part 1 of this series examined antipathy towards Anglos, who were defined as: people descended from the indigenous population of the British Isles in Australia and overseas as well as those who have assimilated into those populations.

We named this hatred “Anglophobia” in line with other forms of hostility such as homophobia and Islamophobia. As Anglophobia is a form of racism, various dimensions of racism were discussed along with related sociological concepts. Types of Anglophobia were described under the headings vilification, discrimination and violence.

In Part 2 we continue examining types of vilification, especially Critical Race Theory. This ideology has expanded to become an industry, impinging negatively on popular culture, education and much more. Connected topics include the claim that only white people can be racist because racism is a form of power, the replacement of Anglo identity in historical movies, and the firing of a producer of the British television drama Midsomer Murders. Finally, we examine how the accusation of “white supremacism” levelled at Anglo culture is contradicted by that culture not having the highest incomes or educational outcomes.

[4. Are considered prone to racism according to the ideology of “Critical Race Theory”, even when no direct evidence of racism exists.]

Continue reading The fury of anti-white racism

Mark Latham on indigenous violence

Mark Latham, NSW One Nation leader, is not afraid to speak out about the violence in First Nations communities while the left typically ignore frightful circumstances that don’t fit their agenda. From his FB page.



Mark Latham, Facebook, 5 June 2022

Occasionally the mainstream media play a useful role.

This weekend The Australian newspaper has interviewed Judge Judith Kelly in the Northern Territory. She has highlighted the epidemic of violence and child sexual abuse in Indigenous communities.

Since 2000 in the Northern Territory, the police have shot dead two Aboriginal men while 52 women have died from homicides, mostly at the hands of their partners.

That puts the problem in perspective.

It’s the national tragedy the Left don’t want to talk about, preferring endless (and meaningless) Welcome to Country ceremonies and the Uluṟu Statement for a treaty and the rewriting of Australian history.

In NSW I have spoken to police officers in the Western districts of the State who say they work on the assumption that every Aboriginal child over the age of 5 has been sexually abused.

I asked Premier Dom Perrottet about this and he said “there’s no evidence to say this is true”.

That’s because Perrottet hasn’t tried to examine the evidence.

When he became Premier he said Aboriginal Affairs was a big priority for him. What has that meant in practice?

His big announcement was to fly the Aboriginal flag on the Sydney Harbour Bridge all-year-round. Something he had previously (and accurately) described as pathetic ‘virtue signaling’.

Some problems are too hard for weak politicians like Perrottet to solve. Albanese is no better.

The Indigenous in Australia have everything: TV advertising, special football jumpers, reserved employment places, flags on bridges, Sorry statements, Welcome to Country, land rights and big welfare spending.

They have everything except solutions to the nation’s worst plague, the curse of their wives and children not being able to sleep safely at night.

Say this and the Left scream ‘racist’.

The true racism (and barbarism) is to ignore the plight of little girls being raped by their drunken ‘uncles’.

Tragically, this is what most politicians do.

Mark Latham MLC

5 June 2022

Anglophobia – anti-white racism

One of the most astonishing movements in recent years, backed by theory and the academy, is the steep rise of anti-white racism. Anti-white racism, typically called ‘anti-racism’ by its purveyor, entered the campuses with Marxism in the 1960s, but it has skyrocketed in the last twenty years. It should be no surprise because Marxism and Marxist ideas infect all organs of our disintegrating Western Society.

It’s wrapped in the usual twisted, swollen, obfuscating academic jargon, but its bottom line is a fierce hatred for white people and their civilization, most specifically people from and Anglo background, meaning those from the British Isles or those with ancestry in the British Isles. The worst of its utterances is the call for white genocide. How could this be? Why has there been no effective action to stop its spread?

Australia ended its so-called ‘white Australia’ policy in 1973. (Keith Windschuttle has vigorously challenged the ‘White Australia’ thesis in his book, The White Australia Policy.) Since then the nation has bent over backwards to alter its perception as a racist country. Our immigration policy has been scrupulously non-discriminatory. We have taken people from the poorest, most underdeveloped countries, even those from strikingly incompatible cultures, and given them a chance of a new life for their families. While most immigrants express their gratitude for a new start, there is a growing minority subscribing to the ‘whiteness’ propaganda.

Some of the most outspoken purveyors of Anglophobia or anti-white racism come from countries wracked by poverty and ethnic violence. After receiving an education that has given them a university qualification and the way into the best jobs and political networks they rage about the ‘whiteness’ that surrounds them (see case of Xiaoran Shi). They are blind to the fact that white people were responsible for all the advantages they enjoy.

Until the 1950s, after most of our social and economic infrastructure had been established, at least ninety-five percent of Australians were from an Anglo background. Should a determined campaign of racial hatred reward us for the struggle, sometimes soul-destroying, to build one of the most prosperous and politically free nations in the world? Below are links to articles and commentaries on Anglophobia.

The articles below are the first major analyses of Anglophobia in Australia. At this time, the articles (Pts 1 & 2) are available to subscribers only.

Anglophobia: The Unrecognised HatredRichard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant, 31 March, 2022.
Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred, Part II, Richard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant, 28 April, 2022.

The above is the introduction to the Anglophobia Section under the Issues tab with many links to articles on Anti-white racism.

Promoting inter-race relationships – insulting black men

Nobody could miss the campaign all over television to promote inter-race relationships. The purpose seems clear enough. The (mostly white) woke mob who control all organs of information dissemination want to dissolve the white population – breed us out of existence. Enough of white supremacy – particularly in white societies like Australia!

In order to succeed in this tactic, the wokists think they have to get the population used to the idea of mixed-race couples with their mix-race children. They must desensitize people’s negative reactions. The most frequent inter-race couple portrayed is a black man and a (lily) white woman.

If I was a black man I would feel insulted.

What a vote for the Labor Party or lunatic Greens means

If you vote for the Labor Party or the lunatic Greens you’ll be voting for a policy of separatism, the formal establishment of a superior class, cultural reinvention, myth-making, the surrender of vast tracts of land, wholesale changing of names, and the rewriting of Australian history.

Setting fire to Old Parliament House (1)

Setting fire to Old Parliament House (2)


Quadrant magazine has published the first part of a major analysis of Anglophobia or anti-white racism in its April edition. The second part will appear in the May issue of Quadrant. At this time, the article (Pts 1 & 2) are available to subscribers only. See my tab Anglophobia – Anti-white Racism for more articles.


Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred (Part 1)

Richard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant 31 March, 2022

In recent decades, the taboo against hostile discrimination has intensified. Racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and transphobia have been elevated to a point where they are now considered tantamount to criminal acts. Yet during the same period, discrimination against Anglos has been largely ignored.

(Note: In this series of articles, the term Anglo refers to people descended from the indigenous population of the British Isles in Australia and overseas as well as those who have assimilated into those populations. It can include kindred ethnic and cultural categories, namely people of European descent and Western civilisation as a whole.)

This discrimination needs a name commensurate with its importance. We have chosen the term Anglophobia. A clear statement of the scope and types of Anglophobia has become necessary.

Anglophobia is defined as hostility towards, aversion to, or discrimination against Anglo people. Anglophobia can be displayed by non-Anglos, by other white ethnicities, and by Anglos themselves. Hostility and suspicion towards Anglo and white Australians have become systemic in multicultural institutions. This hostility appears to be intensifying as ethno-religious diversity increases. It is harming Australians in general and Anglos in particular.

If the other identity phobias are valid concepts for describing hostility towards particular groups, then so too is “Anglophobia”.

Anglophobia helps to motivate policies which disadvantage the Anglo majority. These include unrestricted large-scale immigration that is transforming our society. They also include assaults by the school system on the Anglo identity of children. Australians have never been asked to vote for these policies. Instead, they have been imposed by edict.

Multiculturalism is a policy pursued by the governments of Anglosphere nations and many others in the West since the 1970s. The form of multiculturalism adopted is not the advertised normative type. Diversity and ethnic pride are not universally celebrated. Instead, the policies are often aggressive against the founding ethnic group, acting like a form of cultural warfare intended to defeat Anglos demographically, economically and psychologically. From its beginnings in the 1970s, Anglo advocates were excluded from multicultural forums and remained the prime targets of multicultural attacks on freedom of speech and association. This is intolerable in a law-governed democracy.

Continue reading Anglophobia

Australian Black Conservative

Cheron Long is a full-blood Aboriginal, a rarity among those city ‘Aboriginals’ whose abusive voices fill the media. Having grown up in the same suburban social environment, many of them are indistinguishable from the ordinary white Australian. In striking contrast, full-blood Cheron Long grew up in an Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory. Below is her story on her Facebook page, Australian Black Conservative. No further comment is necessary because her story speaks for itself. Think of Cheron when you hear the ‘blak’ white or olive-tinged activists mouthing off during the election campaign about the undemocratic ‘voice in parliament’.


My name is Cheron Long.

I grew up in a small community called Bulla in the Northern Territory. It is a place that I have very dark feelings for. I am the oldest child out of 6 children. My brother who’s 5 and 4 sisters 7, 10, 11 and my sister Meesha who turns 18 in a couple month time.

Because of the neglect from my family I have been the main carer for my brothers and sisters for a long time now.

I’ve got two children of my own as well. It’s been very hard raising them as well as my brother and sisters but they have no one else to watch over them and keep them safe.

There is alcohol fueled violence in our community every day, too much drunk fighting. It is not a safe or healthy environment for our kids. On any given day you can see and hear women getting assaulted by their partners. You can see kids walking around from house to house looking for food. The kids see the drunken parties, they see and hear the drunks walking around Bulla yelling abuse at people.

We have to live with an ‘Aboriginal rape culture’. Sexual abuse is accepted as normal in too many Aboriginal communities. When I have been interviewed by the media I have been told not to use these words because they demonize Aboriginal men. The media don’t want to hear the truth. But white feminists are allowed to say whatever they want. Why is it that Aboriginal women and children suffer the most but they won’t let us have our own voice when it comes to violence and sexual abuse in this country? Why won’t they let us tell our own story?

Continue reading Australian Black Conservative

Forwarding the separatists’ agenda

The Violent Politics of Australia Day

Keith Windschuttle

Editor, Quadrant Magazine, 9 January 2022

The group of Aboriginal activists and their white supporters who set fire to Old Parliament House on December 30 were marking what will soon be the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in the parliament’s grounds. They were emulating the degree of violence that took place at the same location on Australia Day in 2012 when demonstrators marked the fortieth anniversary of the Tent Embassy’s existence.

This is a point that none of our mainstream news media have so far chosen to make in their plainly subdued reports of this willful assault on such an important symbol of Australian democracy. Indeed, even The Australian let down its readers, claiming “The Tent Embassy was getting ready to celebrate 50 years of peaceful occupation of the site.” Its journalists said the incendiaries were motley outsiders, many of them white. The newspaper said there was “rising tension” between the long-time occupants of the tent embassy and “the new arrivals, many of them anti-vaxxers and ‘sovereign citizens’ who believe laws don’t apply to them”. However, let me remind Quadrant readers what happened on the fortieth anniversary and what the Tent Embassy occupants regard as acceptable political behaviour.

At 2pm on January 26 2012 Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott went to the Lobby Restaurant on King George Terrace, Canberra, just down the road from Old Parliament House, to present the National Emergency Medals. These awards are part of the Australian honours system and only given for exceptional action in protecting lives and property in direct response to events like the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria in 2009 and the Queensland floods and cyclones in 2010–2011. The ceremony is usually a dignified affair that the recipients of the medal and their families are proud to remember. On Australia Day 2012, however, the ceremony was anything but.

Soon after it began, an angry mob of 200 Aborigines and their white supporters marched up to the front door of the restaurant and loudly interrupted proceedings. When security would not let them inside, they surrounded the building and, banging hard on its glass walls, shouted “shame” and “racist” and chanted: “Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land”.

Read the rest here …